
How to prime your AQUA BARE White PF-2 Filters

Using Priming Bottle

  1. Remove the protective outer plastic wrapping from your white AQUA BARE PF-2 filter.
  2. Wash the outside of the white filter with warm water.
  3. Fill the priming bottle with fresh water.
  4. Place filter over sink and squeeze the water in the bottle through the top of the PF-2 filter, until water starts to flow from the bottom of the filter. Allow the water to discharge for up to 2 minutes or until the water runs clear, whichever is longer.
  5. Repeat the process by turning the PF-2 water filter over and priming the filter from the opposite end, repeating step 4 above.
  6. Prime each additional PF-2 filter repeating steps 4&5.
  7. Run a full tank of water through your AQUA BARE filtration system and discard before consuming the water.

Using Faucet Water Pressure

  1. Remove the protective outer plastic wrapping from your white AQUA BARE PF-2 filter.
  2. Wash the outside of the white filter with warm water.
  3. Holding the white PF-2 filter against the faucet, turn on the cold water gently and allow the water to fill the cavity and flow from the bottom of the PF-2 water filter. Allow the water to discharge for up to 2 minutes or until the water runs clear, whichever is longer.
  4. Repeat the process by turning the PF-2 water filter over and priming the filter from the opposite end, repeating step 3 above.
  5. Prime each additional PF-2 filter repeating steps 3&4.
  6. Run a full tank of water through your AQUA BARE filtration system and discard before consuming the water.


AQUA BARE is committed to solving 2 critical problems: providing safe, clean drinking water & drastically reducing the plastic bottles going into landfills. Our gravity based water filter systems remove 99% of contaminants, including bacteria, heavy metals, viruses, pesticides and more.


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